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There's no question that sciatica is painful. After all, all that burning and stabbing pain is terrible.

So, if you experience this type of pain, it is normal that you are always looking for ways to decrease it, especially during your sleep. 

Fortunately, a sciatica relief pillow can help decrease the pain you usually feel. This means that your sleep quality will get better and you will wake up refreshed in the morning.

How To Improve Your Sleep With A Pillow For Sciatica Pain

When you are looking to improve your sleep using a pillow for sciatica nerve pain, there are many things you can do:

1: Look For A Firm Sciatica Pillow For Sleeping

When looking for a pillow to help sciatica, you should prefer a firmer one. Overall speaking, when you suffer from this condition, the best option is to always lie on a firm surface. After all, this is how you can benefit from a good spinal alignment. 

2: Try A Reclining Position:

One of the best things about sciatica pillows is that there are many different ones to choose from. Depending on your pain level, you may prefer one over another. 

For example, you may prefer a sciatica pillow that elevates your legs like The Angle

If your legs tend to be highly affected, you may consider The Leg Wedge instead.

The reality is that elevating your legs when you are sleeping helps to relieve the pressure on your lumbar spinal nerve roots. So, you'll experience a good night's sleep. 

3: Surround Yourself With Pillows:

Another option that you have to get a good night's sleep when you suffer from sciatica is to surround yourself with pillows. For side sleepers especially, the pain can be terrible. So, you may want to lie on your back and then surround your body with pillows. This will prevent you from turning during the night.  

4: Use A Pillow Between Your Knees:

Another great suggestion is to sleep with a sciatic nerve pillow between your knees. This is also helpful for side sleepers as this pillow can reduce the pressure on your lumbar spine since your body will be perfectly aligned.

In case you are looking for a pillow to use between your knees, you should check out The Knee T

5: Look For A Large, Customizable Pillow:

When you suffer from sciatica, you may also want to consider looking for a large, customizable pillow like the Contoured Good Body Pillow. Simply put, this type of pillow allows you to be comfortable all the time since it is fully customizable. 

6: A More Traditional Sciatica Pillow:

In case you are just looking for a more traditional pillow that helps you manage sciatica pain, you may want to check out the Back Support Systems BeCool Neck Contour Pillow

This pillow can help both back and side sleepers maintain a good sleeping posture since it delivers a great neck support. In addition, it offers exceptional ventilation and cooling effect. 

By Jeff Kalatsky


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